Experience You Can Trust

Everyone has a hurdle at some point with breastfeeding. Sometimes, it’s in the beginning, sometimes, a ways down the road. My job is to help you over that hurdle.

You might just need a cheerleader to help you over that hurdle, or you might need someone to carry you over it. The sooner you seek help when you encounter that bump in the road, the easier it will be to get over it.

I am a mother of six breastfed children and my breastfeeding counseling journey began in 1985 when I became a LaLeche League leader. In 1992, I began working at an OB-Gyn office and became credentialed as an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). Through the doctor’s office, I did daily rounds every day at their affiliated local hospital, did home visits, phone consults, taught classes and ran a weekly moms’ group. I worked there for 29 years and have just recently gone into private practice. I have extensive experience in all aspects of breastfeeding and newborn care and have a passion for helping moms and babies successfully and comfortably breastfeed.