Working Together


Before your baby is born:

Prenatal Consultation

It is my firm belief that having the right information before you have your baby can get you off to a good start and avoid many problems. A prenatal consult will give you the knowledge that you need for the beginning of breastfeeding as well as address your specific concerns and questions. It also helps us to establish a relationship so I can help you better after your baby's arrival.


After your baby is born:

Postnatal Consultation

Robin can help you address many of your concerns within the comforts of your own home, including:

  • Latch Issues

  • Painful/damaged nipples

  • Positioning

  • Engorgement

  • Milk Supply Concerns

  • Newborn/Infant behavior- sleep issues

  • Oversupply

  • Plugged ducts

  • Tongue tie/lip ties

  • Slow weight gain

  • Supplementation

  • Fussy baby/food sensitivities

  • Starting Solids

  • Going back to work/pumping

  • Partner/family concerns in relation to breastfeeding

  • Nursing in public

  • Weaning

  • And whatever else you have concerns about!